2077 Patient's before and after photos

Bald class 2

Norwood stage 2

There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Robert Haber

Hair transplantation procedure before and after surgery with 3153 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bijan Feriduni

Hair transplant surgical procedure before and after photographs with 1929 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Raymond Konior

Hair transplant surgery procedure before and after pictures with 2953 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Jerry Cooley

Hair transplantation procedure before and after result images with 1677 grafts

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Steven Gabel

Before and after hair transplant surgery result photographs with 2272 grafts

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Carlos Wesley

Hair trestoration procedure before and after result pictures with 2229 micrografts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Carlos Wesley

Hair restoration surgery before and after photographs with 2282 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. H. Rahal

Hair transplantation procedure before and after photographs with 3082 grafts

Top view before and after hair restoration results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Kyriakos Maras

Hair transplant surgery before and after images with 2500 grafts and Finasteride

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Robert Haber

Hair restoration surgery before and after result photographs with 2156 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

Hair transplantation before and after photographs with 1643 grafts

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Thomas Nakatsui

Hair transplantation procedure to crown before and after images with 1310 grafts

Surgical hair transplantation result photographs
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernard Nusbaum

Hair restoration surgery before and after picture results with 2490 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Robert Haber

Hair transplant repair session before and after pictures with 2613 grafts

Before and after hair transplant procedure images
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

Hair restoration surgery before and after images with 1500 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Timothy Carman

Hair transplant surgery before and after photographs with 1275 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Thomas Nakatsui

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photographs with 2463 grafts

Before and after hair transplant procedure images
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Carlos Wesley

Hair transplantation procedure to the crown using 1933 grafts and Propecia

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Jerry Cooley

Transgender hair restoration surgery before and after photos with 3083 grafts

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

Hair restoration surgery result photographs before and after results

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

Before and after hair transplantation surgery procedure 2948 grafts

 repair photos before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Carlos Wesley

Before and after hair restoration surgery repair images with 1457 grafts

Before and after hair restoration procedure result photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Parsa Mohebi

Surgical hair transplantation procedure before and after photographs with 1720 grafts

Before and after   pictures
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Vladimir Panine

Hair transplantation correction procedure photos with 2584 grafts

Before and after  photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

Hair transplantation procedure before and after pictures with 4000 grafts on Norwood 6

Left view before and after surgical hair restoration repair
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

Hair restoration repair session before and after photographs

  before and after images
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Jerry Cooley

Hair transplant surgery repair patient before and after photos with the use of ACell

 before and after photographs
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Thomas Nakatsui

Hair transplant surgery before and after images with 1565 grafts

Front view before and after hair restoration procedure
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Robert Haber

Hair transplantation patient before and after photographs with 2670 grafts

Before and after   images
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bijan Feriduni

Hair restoration surgery before and after pictures with 1499 grafts

Before and after hair restoration procedure images
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Parsa Mohebi

Hair transplant surgery with a 15 year old Congential Temporal Triangular Alopecia

Top view - Before and after hair restoration result
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Robert Dorin

Hair transplant surgery before and after photo results with 1577 grafts

Before and after hair transplantation surgery results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Carlos Wesley

Hair restoration surgery patient before and after photos with 2450 grafts

Female  to scar tissue photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Thomas Nakatsui

Female hair transplant patient showing placement of 345 grafts to scar tissue

Top view - Before and after hair transplantation photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Timothy Carman

Hair transplant surgery before and after photographs with 2742 grafts

Before and after artificial hair removal and transplant
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Jerry Wong

Hair transplant surgery replacing artificial scar fibers with 2000 grafts