2077 Patient's before and after photos

Bald class 2

Norwood stage 2

There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.

Before and after   pictures
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

Hair transplant surgery to the hairline before and after photos with 3545 grafts

Before and after  images,
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. H. Rahal

Before and after hair restoration surgery photos to the crown area with 2747 grafts

Before and after  images
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Jerry Cooley

Hair transplant surgery before and after photographs to fill in density from prior work

Before and after  photos
Male - 2 sessions
Dr. Raymond Konior

Hair transplant surgery before and after photographs from 3100 grafts over 10 years

 before and after photos
Male - 2 sessions
Dr. Robert Dorin

Hair transplant procedure before and after photographs with 4089 grafts

Top view - Before and after hair transplantation images
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Vladimir Panine

Before and after hair restoration photographs with 1905 grafts and Propecia

Before and after  photographs
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bijan Feriduni

Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation performed on a 35 year old Caucasian male

Top view before and after hair restoration procedure images
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Ron Shapiro

Before and after hairrestoration surgery photographs from 2906 grafts

Hair transplant photos before and after surgery
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Ron Shapiro

Hair transplant patient before and after photos with the use of Propecia and Rogaine

Before and after hair transplant photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Jerry Wong

Hair transplant procedure before and after photos with 2510 grafts

Before and after  photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Thomas Nakatsui

Hair restoration surgery before and seven years after photographs with 2778 grafts

Top view - Before and after hair transplantation photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Vladimir Panine

Hair restoration surgery before and after photos from 2508 grafts

Front images - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. H. Rahal

Hair transplant surgery before and after photographs

 before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Ron Shapiro

Hair restoration surgery before and after photos with a Norwood Class 2 male

Scar revision on  patient photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bijan Feriduni

Hair transplant scar revision before and after photos with 274 FUE grafts

Before and after  photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Jerry Cooley

Norwood class 5 hair transplant patient photo results with the use of Finasteride

Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bijan Feriduni

Hair transplant surgery before and after on a burn patient using 2884 grafts

Before and after   photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bessam Farjo

Hair transplant surgery repair procedure before and after photos with 1558 grafts

Before and after  pictures
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

Hair transplant surgery before and after photos from 3356 grafts

 before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Victor Hasson

Hair transplant surgery repair work before and after photos from 3052 grafts

 before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Robert Dorin

Hair transplant surgery with 2329 grafts and 4205 hairs before and after photos

 before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bijan Feriduni

Hair transplant surgery before and after pictures with a 24 year old patient

Before and after photos of  hair restoration to the crown
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Jerry Wong

Hair transplant surgery photos to rebuild patients crown with 2218 grafts one year after

 repair to correct pluggy appearance
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

Hair transplant surgery repair photos showing correction to a pluggy appearence

 results before front view
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Carlos Wesley

Hair restoration surgery result photos from 2391 graft hair transplant procedure

Front view photos - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Carlos Wesley

Hair restoration surgery before and after pictures from 2115 grafts

Hair transplant procedure before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Carlos Wesley

Hair transplant surgery before and after photos from 1854 grafts

Hair transplant photos viewed from the front
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Ron Shapiro

Hair restoration procedure using 1293 grafts to fortify and lower hairline

 photos viewed from the front
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Raymond Konior

Hair transplant surgery isolated to frontal hairline

Hair restoration procedure results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Hair restoration procedure results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernard Nusbaum

Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Hair restoration procedure results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Jerry Cooley

Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Hair restoration procedure results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Timothy Carman

Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Hair restoration procedure results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Raymond Konior

Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Hair restoration procedure results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

49 year old male complaining of a thinning crown before and after photos

Male - 2 sessions
Dr. Bijan Feriduni

Hair transplant surgery before and after photos