Procedure detail
This hair restoration patient in his mid 30’s had minimal hair loss. He wanted a conservative approach to fortify the existing hairline while lowering it just slightly. He had his mind set on having a FUE procedure. Here is his result at 14 months post op. Patient has dark, thick caliber hair with light skin tone. Only one and two hairs grafts were planted to avoid the stalky or pluggy look. The left side has been lagging behind in growth and density from the beginning. It may be that more grafts were planted on the right or the yield, for whatever reason, was not as good on the left. We invite the patient to schedule a touch up session to address any gaps. This patient is very pleased with his results and he appreciates the option for a free touch up. Matt took various pictures with dry and wet hair, and close-up’s to show the hairline. Total Grafts/Hair Breakdown: 1293 grafts – 1768 hairs1 hair grafts – 8182 hair grafts – 475
Bald class

Norwood stage 2
There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.