Hair transplant surgery repair photos showing correction to a pluggy appearence

Procedure detail

These before and after photos are of a hair restoration patient who came to AHR for help with his previous transplant which left him unhappy and seeking better results. Dr. Arocha performed a 2544 FUT corrective hair transplant procedure. Result photos are taken 1 year post transplant.

Bald class

Bald class 2

Norwood stage 2

There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.

 repair to correct pluggy appearance

Hair transplant surgery repair procedure photos shown from the front viewing before and one year after correction surgery.

Top view hair restoration procedure repair to correct plugs

repair session photos viewed from the top showing before and one year after correction surgery.

Left View hair transplant correction procedure

repair procedure images shown from the left displaying before and one year postoperative from the correction.

Hair restoration correction surgery to repair old plugs

repair procedure pictures shown from the right displaying preoperative and one year after correction surgery.