Procedure detail
In May 2005, a then 6-year-old boy visited my clinic together with his parents. The boy had a burning wound on the left side of his scalp (left temporal occipital), in grade II and III. This burning injury was a consequence of an accident with Fondue oil during the end of year celebrations in 2004. Because their health insurance refused to cover the costs of a possible surgery, he became one of our first ‘Foundation’ cases.Treatment plan of the two-step surgical procedure : -The first surgical procedure involves a scar reduction to reduce the extent of the scar surface and a Follicular Unit Transplantation with a minor density of 10-20 FU/cm2 in order to improve the blood supply and vascularisation in the scar tissue.-The object of the second surgical procedure is to reconstruct the left temporal angle, to increase the overall density (scalp growth) and to optimize the final result.Performed procedures:-The first surgical procedure was performed in July 2005 and carried out in intubation narcosis. A scar reduction was executed and subsequently we performed a Follicular Unit Transplantation with 1123 follicular unit grafts.-The second surgical procedure was performed in April 2009 and carried out under local anesthesia. A Follicular Unit Transplantation with again 1932 follicular unit grafts was successfully executed.It is always nice to see that patients feel great after their hair transplant surgery but in this case it was a unique and pleasing experience to be able to help this young boy on his way to live a carefree childhood.Dr. Bijan Feriduni
Bald class

Norwood stage 2
There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.