Dr. Raymond Konior | Forum Posts

Dr. Konior on What Patients Should Look for in a Hair Transplant Surgeon

07/27/2021 - 08:34

In this hair transplant video interview, Coalition physician Dr. Raymond Konior discusses what patients should look for…

The Importance of Long Term Hair Restoration Planning for Young Balding Men

07/27/2021 - 08:34

I agree that hair restoration should be approached with caution in young men since it is difficult to predict the final…

Hair Transplant Hair Growth Maturation and Healing Characteristics

07/27/2021 - 08:34

In my experience the final result for hair density following follicular unit grafting is seen around the one year mark…

Is Facial Swelling and Bruising Normal after Hair Transplant Surgery?

07/27/2021 - 08:35

No need to worry. You have some bruising that has migrated down into your eyelid region. It is not uncommon for fluids…

How Painful is Suture Removal after Hair Transplant Surgery?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

Hair transplant patients with highly sensitive skin can purchase LMX Topical Anesthetic Cream and apply it over the…

When are Hair Transplants Appropriate in a Balding Crown?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

The crown has been described as the “black hole” of the scalp. Based on that, I believe a very large percentage of…

I am Very Bald - How Many Grafts Do I Need for a Hair Transplant?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

Interpreting graft numbers can be confusing for patients. It is understandable why you would think such large numbers…

Combine Hair Transplant Surgery and a Hair System for a Fuller Head of Hair?

07/27/2021 - 08:35

I primarily restrict this hair restoration approach to those men who are long term hair piece users and who expect to…

Can Hair Transplant Surgery Restore a Youthful Hairline?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

I believe that the strategy of how a hair transplant surgeon approaches hairline design in terms of location and…

Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Manufacturer of the Hair Loss Drug Propecia

07/27/2021 - 08:34

For some time now, patients, physicians, and hair restoration experts have discussed finasteride (Propecia) and whether…

How Many Grafts Do I Need for a Hair Transplant?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

The number of follicular units needed will depend on your hair density, expectations and the exact size of the balding…

Restoring Female Eyebrows with Hair Transplant Surgery

07/27/2021 - 08:35

Whether caused by genetics, years of over “plucking,” or natural thinning with aging, many women believe their eyebrows…