Hair Transplant Patient Reviews

16 patients have created their own personal hair transplant journals. Search hair restoration journals by name, degree of baldness or by recommended physician.

Bald class 2 Search by degree of baldness View by Recommended Surgeon
Bald class: 5A

Brace's a long post!! I've been reading this forum for a looong time and…

Dr. Christian Bisanga Procedure 1 reviewed by BaldieTwo
Dr. Dr. Christian Bisanga
Bald class: 5A

Brace's a long post!! I've been reading this forum for a looong time and…

Dr. Christian Bisanga Procedure 2 reviewed by BaldieTwo
Dr. Dr. Christian Bisanga
Bald class: 5A

Started noticing hair loss in my late teens, certain about it around 20. Propecia and Rogaine…

Parsa Mohebi, M.D Procedure 1 reviewed by Paulygon
Dr. Parsa Mohebi, M.D
Bald class: 5A

Started noticing hair loss in my late teens, certain about it around 20. Propecia and Rogaine…

Parsa Mohebi, M.D Procedure 2 reviewed by Paulygon
Dr. Parsa Mohebi, M.D
Bald class: 5A

Dr. Radha Palakurthi Procedure 1 reviewed by oncled
Dr. Dr. Radha Palakurthi
Bald class: 5A

Well, The story is more or less very common to most of us. Started losing hairwhen I was 20…

Dr. Bessam Farjo Procedure 1 reviewed by Pilot1972
Dr. Dr. Bessam Farjo
Bald class: 5A

Well, The story is more or less very common to most of us. Started losing hairwhen I was 20…

Dr. Bessam Farjo Procedure 2 reviewed by Pilot1972
Dr. Dr. Bessam Farjo
Bald class: 5A

Hair loss at age 17, surgeries at 30 and at 33.

Victor Hasson MD Procedure 1 reviewed by Dutch
Dr. Victor Hasson MD
Bald class: 5A

My hair loss began around the age of 20.  I have tried both Minoxidal and Propecia and am…

Dr. Vladimir Panine Procedure 1 reviewed by fosteve
Dr. Dr. Vladimir Panine
Bald class: 5A

Started losing my hair at age 19 which is 12 years ago, i've been on minxidil and propecia…

Victor Hasson MD Procedure 1 reviewed by Bonkerstonker
Dr. Victor Hasson MD
Bald class: 5A

Through my 20s I had a full thick head of hair.  I used to go to the barber and always ask…

Raymond Konior, MD. Procedure 1 reviewed by Tao
Dr. Raymond Konior, MD.
Bald class: 5A

I started losing my hair at around 22 or 23.  This was a tremendous blow to my self esteem.  …

Raymond Konior, MD. Procedure 1 reviewed by Due
Dr. Raymond Konior, MD.