Hair transplant surgery before and after result images with 4000 grafts

Procedure detail

We have the privilege of working on a lot of patients from the U.K. And while it is tough for them to get back into the clinic for follow-up, they are usually great with sending in picture "updates" as their results mature. 

This U.K. patient with advanced hair loss (essentially a diffuse NW VI) came to our clinic for one of our "As Much As Possible" or "AMAP" FUT megasession procedures. We discussed his goals and decided to rebuild a frontal hairline (leaving his current parietal fringe/temporal recession for now) and fill as much thinning scalp behind the hairline as possible. 

I was able to extract nearly 4,000 grafts via the FUT technique, and used them to knock out a lot of his hair loss. 

8 month later he excitedly sent me the following "selfies" to show his progress and express how pleased he was with the transformation! And I was as well! 

Truly a great guy, and I'm very pleased to have helped him out. 

Each image he sent (3) is shared here untouched. He's going to have someone else take photos at 12 months, so I'll update with more of the "cardinal angles" (IE a top down) at that time. The full after images are also attached below so they can be expanded and reviewed. 

Bald class

Bald class 3A

Norwood class 3A

The Norwood Class A patterns are characterized by a predominantly front to back progression of hair loss. These patterns lack the connecting bridge across the top of the scalp and generally have more limited hair loss in the crown, even when advanced.

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