Very slowly been losing hair since 21 or so. I think about it often and want to do something about it.
My Surgical Treatments to Date
1 strip with Dr. Konior.
2110 grafts
My Non Surgical Treatments1.25 mg Finasteride
5 percent Rogain Foam
Bald Class

Norwood stage 2
There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.
Lower confidence. Self conscious.
Hair transplant and finasteride.
It is an experience that I wish I didn't need to go through, but it was worth it. I am happy with the results and was treated very well by Dr. Konior and the clinical staff.
Finasteride and HT if it is appropriate for you.
I feel more confident and do not constantly think about my hair.
Some people should not get a HT, some should resign to shaving. If you are a good candidate, do serious homework to chose a doc. It took me 2 years to decide. Be VERY careful. Honestly, there are only a couple that I feel worthy to work on me. Be extremely selective.
Research for at least six months before getting an HT and I really think that very few people under 30 should consider them. Consider it a life long journey if you are less than a NW6.