
Jerry Wong, MD

coalition member Elite Coalition Member
Hair transplant patient




I started losing my hair in my 20's and am now 32. I have been on the internet researching different doctors for over 7 years as this was happening and decided to go with Hasson and Wong - and I was not disappointed !

My Surgical Treatments to Date

1 Session, 4300 Grafts, Dr Jerry Wong

My Non Surgical Treatments

Rogaine foam x 3 years now

Propecia - 1.75 mg every Mon, Wed, Fri

Bald Class

Bald class 3V

Norwood stage 3 Vertex

In terms of the receding hairline, stage 3 vertex balding is a less drastic version of stage 3.
However, people experiencing stage 3 vertex balding will also begin losing hair on the crown of their head. This often starts as one small bald spot.

Just hated that feeling that the person in the mirror did not match the person that I was. I am 32 years old and I looked like I was in my 40's

Hair transplantation has worked the best. Guys, stop screwing around - lotions and pills may slow the process and maybe sprout some hairs here and there, but for REAL results go get a transplant. All the money you have wasted on products that promised new hair growth over the years could have gone into a really good transplant by now.

It has been only 4 months and I am already satisfied. Imagine what it will be like at one years time...

#1) Hair transplant


#2) Propecia and Rogaine foam to enhance and keep your results

See story

After your transplant, take the recommended time off that your doctor tells you (i.e. the time to NOT do exercise). After that start working out and getting into shape. When your hair comes in you're going to look better than you have in a long time ! (also, the increased circulation to your scalp from the exercise couldn't hurt)

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My Latest journal entries

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

48 weeks Please take a look at the section labeled " The story with before and after pics". I am going to put all pictures there so you can see the difference right away between day 0 and week __ (whatever new week entry that it is).

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

26 1 2 weeks Looking good with the new hair. Sorry about the light. I should have thought about that as I was taking these. However, you can start to get  a feel as to the progress that has been taking place It's nice to almost have a full head of hair. It still is a little thin in some areas, but not something that I am going to complain about. I am sure that with more procedures I could really get some fantastic density, but why ? I am still only at 26 weeks and the results are favorable. The back could use some thickening up but how many guys have the rock solid hairline.....few. So, I am happy where I am at - A guy with a decent hairline that is natural for his age bracket ( I just don't want to look 10 years older than I already am)

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

27 weeks I am really happy with the results so far. That Dr. Wong really knew what he was doing with my gigantic head when he got a hold of it. Anyway, I am using this new gel so the back looks  a little thinner. I'll be throwing that stuff away as soon as I get home. The rest of the hair is looking pretty damn good though, wouldn't you agree ? It has been a fun ride so far. My favorite comment is, "what happened to you ? Did you lose weight?" Women say this all the time; guys usually say, "what's up with you ? working out ?" It is amazing how the most obvious things don't jump out at people. Only a couple of people have said anything about the hairline and it usually is " you should have let your hair grow out before - you look better this way ". Believe me, I would have done it if genetics would have let me... Who needs genes whey you got Dr. Wong ? 

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

25 weeks Making more progress. These pictures are out of the shower

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

22 weeks Things are really beginning to turn the corner. I have refused to get a haircut to see how long my new hair can grow Not too bad. I know that since it has only been 22 weeks I still have a way to go. Not bad since my first days post - op !

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

24 weeks Some more pictures as the hair progresses Still making progress !

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

26 weeks And on we go....

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

Day 80 Day 80

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

Day 95

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

Day 130 Day120 - My new hairs are growing in and I like what I see. Although the hairs are not as thick as they will be in say one years time, the outline is there and I finally have a hairline pattern back. I stopped cutting my hair so short on the sides so no one even notices the scar anymore. Even my wife said that she could not see it and that was even outside in full sun, sweating away playing sand volleyball !  The time passes and to all the guys who are contemplating taking the plunge I say do it ! Just talk to your doctor about what kind of follow up surgeries you may need and if you will have enough donor grafts for your next transplant. I know that in the future I may need another one, but then again maybe not. With the Proscar and the Rogaine everything seems to be speeding along. Also, who knows what the next 10 years will bring ? It has only been 4 months and I am pleased with the results so much that looking back over what I wrote it seems like so long ago that I looked like that. I have to say that I've always felt good about the way I look, but with the transplant it makes you feel more "normal", like you can stop thinking about how your hair will look at this angle or that pose. Oddly enough I feel more natural with a surgically created hairline - go figure. 

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

Day 140

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

Day 150