
H Rahal, MD

coalition member Elite Coalition Member
Hair transplant patient




Like many of the fellas in hair transplant land, I started losing my luscious locs at about 19. It was slow and annoying at first, however, it progressively got worse and became more noticeable. That’s when I started searching for “solutions.”

I’ve subjected myself to what can only be called scientific experimentation. I’ve tried laser lights, over-the-counter treatments such as Rogain and, of course, I jumped on the propecia train. Nothing helped my cause unfortunately, and I’m sure I’ve financed more than a few porsches.

In early 2012, I finally had enough. It was time for me to do something about my hairloss. I’d wasted far too many hours in front of the mirror, and honestly I’m tired of looking at before and after pictures of my balding compadres. It can drive a person insane – luckily the online community is nothing short of outstanding.

On July 2, 2013 I received a hair transplant from the wonderful team at the Rahal Hair Transplant Institute.

My Surgical Treatments to Date

One hair transplant to date, performed by Dr. H. Rahal at the Rahal Hair Transplant Institute. My procedure consisted of 3,435 graphs using the FUT transplant method.

3,435 - Graph count

719 - 1 units

1,931 - 2 units

786 - 3 units

My Non Surgical Treatments

I have used a combination of rogain, propecia an proscar. None of which had a noticable impact on my hair.

Bald Class

Bald class 3

Norwood class 3

The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.

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My Latest journal entries

Bald class: 3
Procedure 1

Day 4 I'm officially four days in and I have to admit it feels like an eternity! My head has officially doubled in size; my eyes are puffy and my recipient and donor area are extremely itchy. With that being said I'm really excited about things to come and have a more positive outlook about my procedure after the initial mirror shock associated with the shaving of the recipient area. What I can say… The donor area feels as though it is healing nicely. What I mean by that is that it is itchy… Very. Very. Itchy! The recipient area is also very itchy and I have been fighting an internal battle all day not to scratch it vigorously. The Swelling I departed Ottawa this morning after spending a fabulous 5 days touring the area (pre and post transplant). My face this morning was fat since I woke up, not exactly what I was hoping for knowing I'd be passing through airport security only a few hours later. However, 12 hours later and I am looking like myself again. The swelling has gravitated from my eyes and forehead down to my cheeks giving me the classic "wisdom tooth surgery" appearance. I'm optimistic that tomorrow have me looking like my old self again. Photos As always I look forward to hearing everyone's comments. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

Bald class: 3
Procedure 1

Taking the plunge Wow, I can’t believe it is finally here. After researching hair transplants for over 6 years I am officially taking the plunge with Dr. Rahal on July 2, 2013. As I quickly approach D-Day I must admit I’m feeling a combination of apprehension, excitement, nervousness, and a plethora of other emotions. However, let’s go back to the start. My trip through hairloss hell. Like many of the fellas in hair transplant land, I started losing my luscious locs at about 19. It was slow and annoying at first, however, it progressively got worse and became more noticeable. That’s when I started searching for “solutions.” I’ve subjected myself to what can only be called scientific experimentation. I’ve tried laser lights, over-the-counter treatments such as Rogain and, of course, I jumped on the propecia train. Nothing helped my cause unfortunately, and I’m sure I’ve financed more than a few porches. In early 2012, I finally had enough. It was time for me to do something about my hairloss. I’d wasted far too many hours in front of the mirror, and honestly I’m tired of looking at before and after pictures of my balding compadres. It can drive a person insane – luckily the online community is nothing short of outstanding. My hairloss “mug shots”. *** SOME OF THE PHOTOS WERE WASHED OUT SO I ATTEMPTED TO COLOUR CORRECT THEM.*** I am many things but a photographer is not one of them.

Bald class: 3
Procedure 1

Surgery Date So, just finished my transplant proceedure with the great people at the Rahal Hair Transplant Institute. All in all the surgery was very much what I had expected in some ways and completely different in others. I ultimately received 3,400 graphs. Please let me know what you think so far.

Bald class: 3
Procedure 1

Day 3 Hi everyone, It has been a long couple of days. After receiving my transplant on July 2, 2013, I have basically locked myself up in my hotel room waiting for the swelling to subside. Let me share what I've experienced thus far. To shave or not to shave Unfortunately I was required to shave my head. In my consultation it was discussed that I wouldn't need to shave the recipient area so this certainly came as a major surprise, one I wasn't and am still not completely happy with. I know it is all in the name of a great head of hair and more natural result but it did throw a monkey wrench into my plans for masking the transplant and has increased my anxiety about shock loss. Graphs Initially I was scheduled for 2,500 graphs but ended up receiving 3,400, which is a lot for a 27 year old. This was my doing as I expressed to Dr. Rahal that density was important to me as I like to grow my hair long and part it, therefore, our strategy became creating a hairline that was mature yet full and thick. My experience thus far Sleeping has been very difficult for me, I naturally sleep on my stomach so propping myself up in a reclining chair has been somewhat of a challenge. As I'm sure every person who receives a hair transplant experiences, I have been spending a tremendous amount of time infront of the mirror analyzing my transplant, what I potentially would have changed and planning for the future. I can say that the team at the institute have been amazing. Having a professional clean the donor and recipient area is an absolute god-send. For someone like me, who showers every day without exception, it has been difficult to not jump into the shower, and lather up my hair... all in good time I suppose. The results I've included a few before and after pics. Please leave comments, I'm interested in hearing what people think of the overall design.