Hair transplant patient




I have a family history of receding hairline. Every since my late 20s, my hairline has been receding and now at age of 35, I reckon I am at Norwood 2.

I started researching for hair transplant surgeons after making a decision to resolve the problem with a permanent fix. I chanced upon this forum and finally narrowed down my choice to Dr. Path from Bangkok due to the positive reviews from fellow forumers

My surgery was on 29 Jul 2013 and will be happy to answer any questions and share my experience at this blog :)

My Surgical Treatments to Date

1 Session FUT

1 hair - 253 grafts

2 hairs - 764 grafts

3 hairs - 215 grafts

Total grafts - 1,232

Total hairs - 2,426

My Non Surgical Treatments

Minoxidil - Did not use it long enough to see visible results. Will start again after hair transplant

Proscar - Hair loss slowed but stopped due to side effects

Hair loss treatment centres - Well.. let's just say that I wouldn't be typing this blog here if it had worked for me

Bald Class

Bald class 2

Norwood stage 2

There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.

Without a doubt my confidence. I had to find different ways to style my hair to hide the hair loss.

I shall wait for the results of my transplant before commenting but it looks promising so far


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My Latest journal entries

Bald class: 2
Procedure 1

After the Surgery I took a taxi back to the hotel as I wanted to avoid the human traffic After arriving back to the hotel, I popped 2 painkillers before heading for a sumptuous dinner at MBK. During shower, I took care not to get my hair wet. As I wanted to avoid bending over the wash basin, I used some antiseptic face wipes to clean my face. I had slight difficulty sleeping during the night because of the pressure on the back near the donor area. I found that sleeping sideways helped. As the hotel's pillow was too soft, i rolled a towel and placed it at the base of my neck for more support.   Some useful post-op instructions from Dr. Path and his team: Do not tilt your head up or down too much For the 1st 5 days, if  you are picking up things from the floor, do not bend your head down. Instead, squat down and maintain your head in a forward looking posture No alcohol for at least 48 hours Wear the head band for at least a few days to prevent fluid retention Light exercises can be done after 2 weeks Gym/vigorous running/swimming should be avoided until 2nd month Shampoo using baby shampoo by patting softly to the scalp and gently rinse off. Pat dry (NO RUBBING!)

Bald class: 2
Procedure 1

Arriving in Bangkok So here I am in Bangkok! I arrived on early Saturday morning and had a good time shopping and eating for the next 2 days. As my operation was scheduled for Monday, I followed the pre-op instructions religiously Refrain from alcohol and smoking (I don't smoke so that's not a problem) Shampoo hair with antiseptic shampoo (I used Polytar which can be bought at Watsons or other pharmacies for 100+THB Brought along a cap (which turned out to be too tight and small to be worn post-op)

Bald class: 2
Procedure 1

Getting to DHT Clinic The clinic provides very clear written instructions on getting to the DHT clinic. Take the sky train towards the direction of Mo-Chit. My hotel was at the National Stadium station so I had to change trains at the Siam station. It costs me THB37 Siam station to Ari station is 5 stations away. It takes approximately 12-15 minutes Once you have arrive at the Ari station, look for the signage "Exit 4" and take this exit to the street level You should see the Villa Market mall. Walk towards the direction of Mo-Chit (same direction as your train) The walk to the clinic takes just 5-10 minutes depending your pace. It's about 200 metres walk.  

Bald class: 2
Procedure 1

Consultation and Surgery I had a light breakfast at 0930 and was ready to leave for the clinic at 1030. I wore a long sleeve button shirt as stated in the pre-op instructions as putting on and removing the t-shirt may touch and pull out the grafts. I opted to wear a pair of jeans instead of berms to keep my feet warm in the surgery room. I arrived in time for my appointment which was at 1100 and was greeted by the friendly Puie at the reception. Nurse Tong then brought me to the consultation room and I filled up some administrative forms about medical history and health declarations. She proceeded to wash my hair with an antiseptic shampoo and took the mandatory blood test for HIV and Hepatitis. Thereafter I changed into the blue surgey gown Dr. Prapote came into the room and discussed in detail about my hair loss history and my what I can expect from the surgery. We discussed the proposed hairline and he marked out the recipient area. I was also informed that the density will likely be 40 grafts/cm sq as too many grafts/cm sq will constrict blood supply. He then informed me that surgey will begin at 1300 after a final review of the hairline by Dr. Path. At 1250, I had a final consultation with Dr. Path and had the hairline redrawn slightly as I preferred a slightly straighter hairline. I also wanted to add some density to the frontal hairline where the thinning was beginning to show. Dr. Path noted that my front hairline/crown area was generally dense and the temples region (my area of concern) will not achieve the normal density (80-100/cm sq) after the transplantation. I should still be able to achieve very good effects with an estimated 1,200 grafts. I took the Valium and antibiotic tablets and was told to lie face down on the surgery bed. The team then proceeded to shave off the hair from the donor area and whthin 15 minutes I was feeling drowsy and the procedure began. Several injections was administered at my donor area and throughout the procedure, I was awake but felt NO PAIN at all. Amazing! 45 minutes later, the strip was removed and the team asked if I wanted to look at the grafts under the microscope. I politely rejected as I was feeling drowsy and sleepy. The procedure then continued with the team making slits at the recipient area and carefully planting the grafts 1 by 1 The procedure was completed close to 6pm. Final number of grafts was 1,232. Dr. Prapote briefed me on the post-op care and medication and I left the clinic thereafter. All in all, it was a very successful procedure and I was totally impressed with the teams' professionalism and honesty. They were upfront about what can and cannot be achieved and the focus was to create the best possible outcome for the patient. They also took great care of my well-being and constantly asked me if i need food or water. One of the assistants even massaged my feet during the long procedure to prevent numbness!