Hair transplant patient




Hey guys,

First things first, first of all thanks to the site which is allowing me to introduce myslef to the  vast world of Hair restoration network and buddies I won't forget to thank you people who has posted a lot many useful information and supported ppl like me in taking decisions.

This is my first write up and ofcourse every other fella starts from here :).

Coming to my Hiar loss story, I had a very thick density of hair till my graduation and not sure of reasons for my hair loss but with in no time I turned into bald, ofcourse it took me a period of 1 year.

Guys I am telling you, even most of my friends and relatives do not know about my baldness as I hesitate to show my bald face and get condolence from them.

I really hate it.

And I started sreaching over and over, what to do and what things do I have to put it in action to get my hair back. Which results in handshaking with this website.

I am a silent follower of this site as I do not have much to talk about till today.


My Surgical Treatments to Date

Coming to my Surgical Treatments section, which I am very much eager to put up all my thoughts and experiences that I had when I was undergone a surgical treatment with DR.PATH -  A fate changer .

After seeing too many threads that flows in this site every day about him, one fine morning I have decided to meet Dr.Path and his team for his extra ordinary work and if he can get some light in my life (I am worried but not as much as I wrote, take a deep breath and forget it) . I was so fascinated by his work and his inventions say Open technique. 

So I have sent my photos and asked for the estimation of grafts, I got a reply very quicky from the DHT clinic may be in a day or two did not remember. ( I will share my pre-op and post-op photos.)

The estimated number of grafts were 3500 and I was little afraid to imagine whether my donar area supports me in donating those many grafts. Here was the twist, you guys will come to know once you go through my boaring writes.

I started following with the doctors as I have so many questions hovering in my mind and all were answered by them, which is so convincing and appreciable.

I put my first mail in July 2012 and finally I had my HT done in April 2013. :) :)

So, let us start with my journey to the clinic till today.

I have blocked 25th for consultation and 26th for surgery.

On the day of Consultation , Dr. Oravan has given me a design of hair line and checked my hair density and scalp laxity. She said I have a very good scalp Laxity and not sure about my hair density.

As you guys will be knowing by this time that I am giving much importance to these things, as you expected I sincerely followed the doctors pre-operative suggestions. Which helps me in getting a very good laxity.

His team is so friendly and did a great job. They have asked me to fill up few forms and clarified few doubts of mine.

After going back to my hotel, I had a massage on that night, which is very bad.

On the day of consultaion I missed my flight and the massage was not good, the whole day was very sad.

Anyways, let us stop writing up things till here today and go to bed as it was so boaring.

On the Day of Surgery:

I went to the clinic at around 9 in the morning, they told me to have a light break fast on that day. 

They have given me few sleeping pills and sadated my donor area which I remember. Around 2 in the after noon I woke up and they served lunch for me YuMmy.

I asked for the number of grafts, howz my hair and is my donar area is good.. So many qs.

They have given inadequate answers as even they are not aware of. One section of the team is busy in removing the grafts from my skin and the other section is busy with my head :)

After these things happened, I slept again and woke up around 9:30 In the night, still the planting was going on, when I asked them about the time, they said it will take another 10-15 mins to wrap up.

So friends here are my Graft details, ofcourse this is my first session and I wish it should be my last either.

                            No. Of Grafts                          No. of hair

1 Hair                       285                                         285

2 Hair                      2362                                      4724

3 Hair                      1333                                      3999

4 Hair                      100                                          400


Total                      4080                                      9408

I was pretty much happy with the count and the doctors feedback, they said as I have more 2 hair and 3 hair grafts, I can expect a good thickness. :) :) 

And the immediate next day I have visited the clinic for a hair wash and they showed me how to wash my hair and wound for the next few days.

My trip to Bangkok is for 5 days and on the 5th day I had my hair wash and got few antibiotics and few other pills from them with a head band, helps to stop the swelling to spread across face from head and a bandana.

After 10 days I have stopped using the head band and as of today everything is going fine.

Will update my pics on a timely basis.

I am taking a step further to ask you for any queries or suggestions.

Thank You,


My Non Surgical Treatments

Have not used any.

Bald Class

Bald class 3V

Norwood stage 3 Vertex

In terms of the receding hairline, stage 3 vertex balding is a less drastic version of stage 3.
However, people experiencing stage 3 vertex balding will also begin losing hair on the crown of their head. This often starts as one small bald spot.

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My Latest journal entries

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

One week Later One week later i.e. 3rd May, My donar area was so itchy and as per the post operation instructions I have started using Olive oil and things are going well as of now.

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

My Pre Op Pics Hello friends, Please see my Pre-Operation pics which was taken on 25th of April. These pics were taken in the clinic on the day of consultation.

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

My Post Operation Pics Pics were taken after my surgery, on the same day i.e. 26th of Apr.