
Jerry E. Cooley, MD

coalition member Elite Coalition Member
Hair transplant patient




My Hair loss started when I was 23, I didn't notice anything until age 25. I spend a couple years obsessing about it and in 2007 started to do some research. I decided in 2010 to go for it. I've been on Finasteride for 1 year prior to the HT

My Surgical Treatments to Date

1 FUT Session on 2/12/2010. Donor Strip was roughly 30cm x 1.3cm (Two Layer Trychophytic closure used) Rough Estimate of Donor Area: 75 fu/cm2. Saggital Incisions were used. After procedure was done, I should still have roughly 6000 grafts for the future (Dr. Cooley's estimate). ACELL was used on both Main and Secondary Strip. PRP was not used, Dr. Cooley said it's experimental and is not 100% convinced it really helps so he opted to not use it. Total Grafts:  3007, 1's: 1117 (20%), 2's: 1292 (47%), 3's: 592 (32%), 4's: 6 (1%), Total Hairs: 5501. Suture Removal: 03/05/2010 (21 days after surgery) 

My Non Surgical Treatments

Finasteride: 1.25 M,W,F. Revita Shampoo & Nioxin Conditioner: Everyday. Minoxidil (Rogaine Foam): Not Used (irritates scalp)

Bald Class

Bald class 3V

Norwood stage 3 Vertex

In terms of the receding hairline, stage 3 vertex balding is a less drastic version of stage 3.
However, people experiencing stage 3 vertex balding will also begin losing hair on the crown of their head. This often starts as one small bald spot.

<p>Most people don't notice it, but I do a very good job of hiding it and styling it a certain way. I used to gel my hair prior to 25, and hopefully after 8-10 months, I can start gelling my hair again</p>

<p>Propecia didn't do much, but I stuck with it anyways giving it the benefit of the doubt</p>

<p>Surgery was on 2/12/2010. I arrived in Charlotte on the 11th of February and Dr. Cooley's office had a shuttle waiting to take me to the Hotel. I then checked into the Hotel and just rested on the 11th knowing that I would have to be at the office at 7am the following day. Dr. Cooley came in and asked if I had any questions, I asked him about permanent shockloss and he said I had nothing to worry about, I also asked about the donor scar and he mentioned I had very good laxity and he wouldn't be surprised if I had a very very good scar. Dr. Cooley then drew in the hairline and it was exactly what I wanted so that was quickly determined. I then went into the surgery room and changed. I asked Dr. Cooley if it would make life easier and more efficient if he shaved my head and he said yes, so as a last minute decision I said "go for it". After the shaving, I sat front faced down and I was given a few drugs, then I was injected into the arm with something quite strong, I ended up missing the whole removal of the donor strip. After about 40 minutes I turned around and Dr. Cooley started making incisions into my head. I again did not remember most of this as I was drugged. I beleive this took roughly 1-2 hours then 1 hour before lunch they had inserted roughly 300-400 grafts. At noon, I had lunch (which I had a plethora of options and I could pretty much order anything I wanted :) yum!....) After that, the remainder of the day was placing the grafts. Graft placement took the longest and eventually they had to inject with me with Lidocaine a couple of times (which felt like pinches at worst). The surgery lasted until 7:30pm.</p>
<p>So am I happy with my HT? Still to be determined </p>

<p>Propecia/Finasteride First, give it a 1 year and see how it progresses, if you're still not happy think long and hard if you're willing to commit to a HT</p>

<p>Still to be determined, One problem seen at almost 6 months out, the donor scar has not healed correctly. This was mainly due to the sutures used. I would used Dr. Cooley again if he can guaranteed that he will not use the same sutures again</p>

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My Latest journal entries

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

Month 5: Visit to Dr. Cooley I went to visit Dr. Cooley due to the donor scar. I was concerned that the donor scar has stretched.Dr. Cooley took a look and believes the type of sutures used was the main reason for the poor results of the donor scar.Dr. Cooley wants me to come back in for a scar revision. I'm still debating if I should do this as I am worried that the results may come out to be the same. 

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

5 Months Today marks my fifth month and everything appears to be looking good. The only concern I have (which is minimal) is the donor strip scar, it's about 3mm wide which I'm not that happy with. With a 3mm wide scar it makes it difficult to keep my hair short especially with my asian hair characteristics.Here are some notes to take out of the 5th month- Recipient Growth is seen, especially in the hairline- Donor Scar Redness continues to fade- Donor Scar Pain ==> 1/10, I think mainly due to pimples- Grafts that have not grown still present (I think)Month 6 expectations- Recipient Hair will continue to grow- Donor Scar Redness will continue to fade- Donor Scar Pain should be 0/10 

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

5 Months more photos Donor Scar Pictures

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

4 Months not much to say here except the following- Donor Scar Pain is 0/10, it no longer hurts nor feels anything. Redness is still seen- Hairline Sprouting can be seen, it's not a lot though, I expect a big change from 4 months to 5 months- There are still grafts that have not shed- It's starting to get difficult to determine which hair is transplanted and which hair is miniaturized- Hairline is starting to form 

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

4 Months more photos More photos, but concentration on the donor scar. In my opinion, I do not believe this is shockloss in the last set of photos. I got a haircut using a clipper #4 and I think due to my characteristics this is a drawback. I will wait 2-3 months and will see how things play out. I could be completely wrong :) (which I hope) 

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

3 Months Main Changes include the following- Some Growth, does not feel like much sprouting- Pimples present- Donor Scar has a minimal pain of 1/10 

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

3 Months more photos

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

2 Months more photos

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

2 Months Things look pretty normal. I don't see any recipient growth yet. I did notice that the pain in my donor strip went from a 2 to now a 1 as expected.I'm hope that the Donor Strip Redness dies down a bit, it's pretty red, but you wont notice it from the photos due to the flash.I hope to see some growth now that my second month is complete. 

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

1 month more photos

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

21 days post op w suture removal Oh wow, just having those sutures removed feels liberating. Surprisingly because the sutures were left in for 21 days, it was difficult removing them, and felt like a ton of pinches so I was happy to finally have them all removedI would like to thank Dr Rosanelli's office for removing the sutures in addition to cutting my hair!They did an awesome job and Dr. Rosanelli came in and took a look at my recipient and my donor scar and said everything looked just fineThe girls are also really cute!  3 photos of the donor area before suture removal3 photos of the donor area after removal of sutures 

Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

10 Day Post Op All the crusting was gone, I think this had something to do with Dr. Cooley's recommended Post-op Spray, He also made me wear saran-wrap on my head to keep the moisture in, he wanted me to do this for 3 days whenever I wore a cap or when I went to bed.After several days, today was the day I actually was aggressive with my hair and had a regular shower, the only difficult part was the donor area which is still very tender. It's actually quite annoying and while there was minimal pain, I still found that taking tylenol would help.I also find that the Donor Area is starting to get more irritating and I've had tendencies to want to scratch scratch and scratch. I find taking a shower really helps and using the Biafine Topical Ointment does wonders for me, I'm told to only use it once a day (so I do it in the morning), but I really want to use it twice a day. I may call Dr. Cooley and ask if it's okay.I got tired of taking photos of my recipient area because it pretty much looks the same, so instead I have one photo of my Recipient and the rest are photos of my Donor Scar :)  I still have ample amount of the Post Op Spray so I continue to spray it on my recipient area every 3 hours every day. I'll do this until it's finished.