
Victor Hasson MD

coalition member Elite Coalition Member
Hair transplant patient




Started losing my hair in early 20's.  No big deal because my hair was so thick I was glad to thin it out a little.  That phase didn't last for too long and soon it was becoming a big deal.  The vast majority of my hair loss was right in the front, which was very distressing.  Did not like the way this looked at all!

My Surgical Treatments to Date

Jan 17, 2013

1 Session

4,458 grafts

1,361 Singles

2,857 Doubles

240 Multi

(3930 Insertions)

My Non Surgical Treatments

Rogaine - 20 years

Propecia - 6 years

Bald Class

Bald class 5

Norwood stage 5

Occurs when the connecting bridge of hair disappears leaving a single large bald area on the front and top of the scalp. The hair on the sides of the scalp remains relatively high.

<p>Wears on confidence.</p>

<p>Took Rogaine religously and it seemed to help some, but obviously, not nearly enough.</p>
<p>Propecia - take 1/2 doses, not sure how much it helps.</p>

Yes.  It's not perfect but considering how low I was feeling about my hair/appearance, perfection isn't necessary.  It's "good" and that is light years ahead of where I was.  I could have waited forever for the "perfect" fix - the pill or ointment or shot that re-stimulates dormant follicles and gives you a perfect head of hair.... Life is too short to be throwing away years, waiting for something that might never happen.

If you have frontal loss like I did, I think your only solution is a transplant..... or a rug.... or acceptance....  I'm pretty happy with the transplant.

Changed everything about the way I view myself.  I had almost forgotten what confidence in my physical appearance felt like. 

Do your research.  Take action.  Don't over-do the hairline.

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My Latest journal entries

Bald class: 5
Procedure 1

Day 25

Bald class: 5
Procedure 1

Day 6

Bald class: 5
Procedure 1

Day 10

Bald class: 5
Procedure 1

Day 19

Bald class: 5
Procedure 1

3 Days Not the greatest photo quality here.  I will get better pictures beginning about week 3.

Bald class: 5
Procedure 1

Day 4 Close ups

Bald class: 5
Procedure 1

Pre op Pictures This is from the day before surgery at H&W office.

Bald class: 5
Procedure 1

Post Op