2077 Patient's before and after photos

Bald class 2

Norwood stage 2

There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Thomas Nakatsui

Hair restoration surgery before and after result photographs with 967 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich

Hair restoration surgical procedure before and after images

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Christian Bisanga

Hair transplantation repair procedure before and after photos with 3028 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Steven Gabel

Hair transplant surgery before and after result photos

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Thomas Nakatsui

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos with 2124 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bijan Feriduni

Hair transplantation surgery before and after result images with 1926 grafts

  before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Victor Hasson

Hair loss treatment surgical procedure before and after with 4285 grafts

 before and after pictures
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

Hair restoration surgery before and after result images with 1000 FUE grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Christian Bisanga

Hair transplant surgery before and after result images with 2864 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Jerry Wong

Hair transplant surgery before and after result images with 2160 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Patrick Mwamba

Hair transplant surgery before and after result images with 1030 grafts

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Robert Haber

Hair transplant surgery before and after result images with 582 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Robert Dorin

Hair transplant surgery before and after result images with 2375 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Thomas Nakatsui

Hair loss treatment before and after result photos

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. H. Rahal

Hair loss restoration surgery before and after images with 2617 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich

Hair transplant surgery before and after result photos with 2576 grafts

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Raghu Reddy

Hair transplantation surgical procedure before and after photos with 1207 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Christian Bisanga

Hair transplant surgery before and after images with 2066 graphs

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Radha Palakurthi

Hair loss surgical treatment before and after photographs with 2113 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. H. Rahal

Hair loss surgical treatment photograph results with 2205 graphs

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Patrick Mwamba

Hair loss surgical treatment before and after photographs with 1226 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Steven Gabel

Hair transplantation before and after result photographs with 2210 graphs

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Carlos Wesley

Hair transplantation before and after result pictures with 2200 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Victor Hasson

Hair transplantation before and after photograph results with 2078 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Vladimir Panine

Hair loss restoration surgery before and after photographs with 2375 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Victor Hasson

Hair restoration surgery before and after result photographs with 2249 grafts

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. H. Rahal

Hair restoration surgery photo results before and after with 2872 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Kyriakos Maras

Hair transplant surgery before and after images with 2400 FUE grafts

Male - 2 sessions
Dr. Ron Shapiro

Hair transplantation procedure before and after result pictures with 2581 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Robert Dorin

Hair restoration surgery before and after result images with 1108 grafts

Front view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Christian Bisanga

Hair transplantation procedure before and after photos with 2100 grafts

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. H. Rahal

Hair transplant surgery result photographs before and after with 2617

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Jerry Cooley

Hair transplant surgery before and after result images

Hair restoration procedure before and after pictures
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Timothy Carman

Hair transpant procedure before and after result pictures with 1983 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Christian Bisanga

Hair restoration surgery before and after result photographs with 1888 grafts

ront view - Before and after
Male - 1 sessions
Dr. Bernardino Arocha

Surgical hair restoration procedure before and after result pictures with 3109 grafts