Hair transplant surgery showing preoperative and one year postoperative results

Procedure detail

29 year old hair restoration patient with class 3 vertex pattern of hair loss. Patient wanted to re-enforce his hairline and slightly bring the temples down and add density to his crown. We placed 1100 grafts into in his hairline and 1246 grafts into his crown. The hairline were mostly 1 and some 2 hair follicular units and crown area was 2 and 3 hair follicular units. The hair transplant surgery results are 1 year post-op and the patient has been on Propecia to help control further hair loss.

Bald class

Bald class 3

Norwood class 3

The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.

Top view of  results

using 2346 grafts showing before and after results, viewed from the top.

Hair restoration procedure results

Left view photos of hair transplant procedure of left side showing preoperative and one postoperative results.

Hair restoration procedure - right side photos

Before and one year results from 2346 hair restoration procedure viewed from the right side.

Crown view of

View of the crown / back of patients head before and one year after 2346 graft hair replacement procedure.