Hair restoration results of a Norwood class 4 patient

Procedure detail

This 50 year old male with a Norwood class 4 hair loss pattern was presented to Dr. Panine for his hair restoration options. One hair transplant surgery session of 3,270 grafts was performed producing the following 14 month postoperative results.   Graft / Hair Counts:1320 single hair 941 2 hairs979 3 hairsTotal of 6,139 hairs transplanted

Bald class

Bald class 4

Norwood class 4

Characterized by further frontal hair loss and enlargement of vertex, but there is still a solid band of hair across the top (mid-scalp) separating front and vertex.

Front view of hair restoration results

Hair transplant using 3270 grafts view from the front, showing before and after results.

View from the top showing hair transplant results

Top view photos displaying before and after results from a 3270 graft .

View of back before and after hair restoration procedure

Results from 3270 graft showing the back view before and 14 months postoperative.

Right side view before and after hair restoration

Right side views showing before and postoperative hair transplant results.

Front closeup view after hair transplant

Front closeup view to showing the restored hairline 14 months after this patients hair restoration procedure.