Female hair transplant patient before and after photographs with 2140 grafts

Procedure detail

This 56 year old female hair restoration patient  was experiencing thinning in the hairline, mid-scalp, and crown. We refined her hairline and added more hair to the mid-scalp and crown during her hair transplant surgery. She had a total of 2,140 grafts. Patient is only 8 months post-op and everything is filling in nicely.

Bald class

Female hair loss stage II

Female hair loss stage II

Around 40% of women by age 50 show signs of hair loss and less than 45% of women reach the age of 80 with a full head of hair.

Before and after female  photos

using 2140 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before and after photos.

Crown view before and after hair restoration images

Hair transplant session using 2140 grafts displaying before and after photos, viewed from the back / crown.