Hair transplant surgery results photos from 4239 and the use of Propecia

Procedure detail

This Vancouver hair restoration patient came to see Dr. Hasson in October, 2009. His goal was to have as much of a change as possible in one hair transplant session. Dr. Hasson transplanted 4239 grafts in one session with the result shown below at 11 months post-op. The distribution of the grafts started at the hairline then, with lower density, was blended with lesser density into the down slope at the top of the crown. The patient started Propecia six months before the procedure.Note that the patient was wearing copious amounts of gel in his hair during this round of photos. 1688 Singles2234 Doubles317 3/4Total: 4239

Bald class

Bald class 4A

Norwood stage 4A

In stage 4A, a person will not experience a bald spot on the back of their head, but they will instead lose the dips in their hairline and have a deeper ā€œUā€ shape when viewed from above.

 before and after photos - Front view

4239 grafts viewed from the front, showing preoperative and eleven month postoperative photos.

Right view - Before and after

Right side profile and oblique view images showing before and 11 months postoperative views from a 4239 graft hair transplant procedure.

Back view pictures - Before and after hair transplant procedure

Before and after photos of the preoperative and postoperative back views of a patient.

Photos of crown before and after hair transplant surgery

Photos of the patients crown before and eleven months after hair transplant surgery with 4239 grafts and the use of Propecia.

Donor area showing healed scar from hair transplant procedure

Photos showing a few angles of the donor / scar area eleven months after this patient's hair restoration surgery.