Hair transplant surgery before and after photos from 8402 grafts in one session

Procedure detail

This hair restoration patient came to Dr. Hasson to address as much of his hair loss as possible. He was classified between a Norwood 5A and Norwood 6 and received 8402 grafts in one hair transplant session. Placement was spread from the new hairline well into the crown with a new whorl pattern established for good coverage. The patient sent us the photos below that I paired up with his before photos to show what is happening at only four months post-op. Obviously, he has much more improvement to expect and with his permission I'll update this case as new photos become available.

Bald class

Bald class 6

Norwood stage 6

The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.

Before and after   photos

8402 grafts in one session showing before and after results, shown from the front.

Top view before and after

Hair restoration procedure utilizing 8402 grafts in one session showing preoperative and after images, shown from the top.

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair replacement procedure with 8402 grafts in one session shown from the left displaying before and four month postoperative photos.

Right view photos showing hair transplant results

Hair restoration procedure utilizing 8402 grafts in one session shown from the right displaying preoperative and four month postoperative pictures.