Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Procedure detail

This local to Vancouver patient come into our office in October, 2008. His goal was to have a new hairline established and for coverage across the top of his scalp. The desire was for a distinguished, mature appearance of which the patient is happy to say he has achieved.


Bald class

Bald class 6

Norwood stage 6

The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Before front closeup view.

Hair restoration procedure results

Before right closeup view.

Hair restoration procedure results

After front closeup view.

Hair restoration procedure results

After right closeup view

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results