Hair transplant surgery before and after photographs with 4171 grafts

Procedure detail

This local patient suffered from a classic case of traction alopecia. Traction alopecia is hair loss due to sustained traction over a long period of time for a specific region of hair. This can occur for those that have tight pony tails and in this case a tight turban.

Dr. Hasson and his team planted 4171 grafts in a single procedure. The results you see here are 11 months post-op.

Bald class

Bald class 4

Norwood class 4

Characterized by further frontal hair loss and enlargement of vertex, but there is still a solid band of hair across the top (mid-scalp) separating front and vertex.

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

4171 grafts shown from the front, viewing before and after photos.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

using 4171 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before and after images.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after pictures

with 4171 grafts displayed from the left, viewing before and after pictures.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images

with 4171 grafts shown from the right, viewing before and after photos.

Hair restoration surgery before and after photos

Hair transplant surgery using 4171 grafts viewed from the left, displaying before and after photos.

Hair restoration procedure before and after pictures

Hair restoration procedure utilizing 4171 grafts viewed from the right, displaying before and after images.