Hair transplant surgery before and after images five years postoperative

Procedure detail

This is a hair restoration patient who had his crown done about 5-6 years ago and was very happy
with the improvement. However, over the last 5 years, he has noticed some
thinning around the edges of the transplant, particularly the right frontal edge
and returned to me this past week for consideration of further transplantation
to fill in the thinning areas. He was aware of this possibility prior to the
first transplant.

His first transplant involved 276 single grafts, 520
double grafts, and 186 big grafts, for a total count of 990 grafts.

think this case demonstrates that a very natural result can be obtained and that
the patient must be made aware of the potential and likelihood of future hair
loss before embarking on the first transplant.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after pictures

990 grafts viewed from the crown, showing before and after photographs.

Hair restoration procedure before and after pictures

using 990 grafts viewed from the crown, showing before and after photos.

 before and after images

using 990 grafts viewed from the top / crown, showing an after picture.

 before and after photos

Hair restoration procedure using 990 grafts viewed from the crown, showing before and after images.