Female eyebrow transplant patient before and after images with 250 grafts

Procedure detail

This female patient presented with only a few, scant hairs in each eyebrow. When she was a teenager, she thinned them out by plucking; unfortunately, after a few years of thinning them out too much, they never grew back in. Her goal was to restore her eyebrows so they provided a nice balance of her facial features and definition to her eyes.

To achieve her goals, about 250 single-haired grafts were transplanted into the eyebrow as shown in the design photos. I always have the patient draw their ideal pattern and adjust it for symmetry and naturalness.

From a technical point of view, it is extremely important that the hairs lay as flat as possible on the skin, and that the natural curvature of the hairs are oriented correctly or else the patient will have "wild hairs" that are coming out in the wrong direction. The medial portion of the eyebrows are oriented superior/laterally, and as the eyebrow sweeps away from the central area, the hairs are oriented laterally with the curvature pointed toward the central portion of the eyebrow. This type of design and hair placement produces a very natural appearing eyebrow as seen in the "After" photographs.