Hair transplant before and after pictures with the use of Propecia therapy

Procedure detail

This hair restoration patient had diffused thinning throughout the top half of his head with persistent frontal forelock hairs. From the front, his loss was difficult to assess but top and side views reveal his hair loss in better detail. Since the patient is in his mid 20’s, Dr. Ron Shapiro took the cautious approach (hairline was not brought down, coverage addressed a large area). And, the patient was made aware of the risks of shock loss and possible future hair transplant work if hair loss progressed. With his results from SMG and his daily regimen to keep his native hairs, he is absolutely thrilled with the coverage, density and naturalness. If he does lose more, he stated he’d gladly come back to SMG. We chatted about the effectiveness of the low level laser. He felt the laser along with Propecia worked well to keep his native hairs. The typical 14-15 shed hairs he used to see in the mornings dwindled down to 5-6 hairs. We’re pleased he has not noticed further hair loss progression and that he couldn't be happier with his HT results. Daily regimen: Propecia, biotin, vitamins & hand held low level laser treatments Graft/Hair count: 2917 Grafts - 5557 Hairs1's - 8762's - 15163’s – 4514’s - 74

Bald class

Bald class 3A

Norwood class 3A

The Norwood Class A patterns are characterized by a predominantly front to back progression of hair loss. These patterns lack the connecting bridge across the top of the scalp and generally have more limited hair loss in the crown, even when advanced.

Hair transplant before and after photos - Front view

2917 grafts showing before, immediate postoperative, and after photos, viewed from the front.

Hair restoration before and after pictures - Top view

utilizing 2917 grafts viewed from the top. Displaying before, immediate postoperative, and postoperative photos,

Left views from  and Propecia therapy

Left side photos using 5557 hair making up 2917 grafts, showing preoperative, immediate postoperative, and postoperative results.

Right side hair transplant before and after result pictures

Right side result images showing preoperative, immediate postoperative, and postoperative results from 2617 grafts and the use of Propecia.