Hair restoration surgery before and ten years after photos from two sessions

Procedure detail

This patient had hair transplant surgery with Shapiro Medical Group over 10 years ago. Dr. Ron Shapiro addressed the frontal half of the head with 2100 grafts. The patient has been conservative in his approach to hair restoration – wanting to address the hair loss where it bothered him the most. Majority of the grafts were distributed behind the frontal tuft where diffused thinning was much more evident. 200 DFU’s were used in the central area of the scalp for density.

Surgery #1 – Dr. Ron ShapiroTotal Grafts/Hairs = 2093gr /4273 hairs
Fortunately for this patient, the progression of loss has slowed in the last 10 years since he’s been on ht meds. Dr. Paul Shapiro performed a second procedure couple of weeks ago to restore the second half of the scalp. With patient’s conservative approach, the second session consisted of 1789 grafts to address the back half. Again, addressing what bothered the patient the most while conserving grafts for future.
Upon close inspection of the recipient area of previous work, Dr. Paul could not differentiate 2 or 3 hair grafts from the DFU’s, even under magnification.

Surgery #2 – Dr. Paul ShapiroTotal Grafts/Hairs = 1789gr /3373 hairs

Bald class

Bald class 4

Norwood class 4

Characterized by further frontal hair loss and enlargement of vertex, but there is still a solid band of hair across the top (mid-scalp) separating front and vertex.

 before and after photos

3882 grafts shown from the front, viewing before and after photos.

Before and after  left view

using 3882 grafts shown from the left, viewing before and after photos.

Photos showing 10 days post operative

Various images showing the patient ten days postoperative from his second .

Tilt down view before and after hair restoration

Hair transplant surgery using 3882 grafts viewed from a tilt down / top angle , displaying before and after photos.