Hair transplant surgery patient results from 3449 grafts and Propecia therapy

Procedure detail

This hair transplant patient from Boston came in recently for follow-up. Its been 3 years since we first initiated his hair restoration. Prior to treatment, although a bit difficult to discern from the before photos, he presented with a classic 4 pattern with signs of progressing to a 5A. In transplanting over 3400 follicular units to the front, central region, and vertex, we successfully transitioned from what was really a transient, miniaturizing coverage to a healthy foundation of permanent natural transplanted hair. Propecia is also part of this patients regimen.Total grafts: 3449Total hairs: 5422 1502 singles - 1921 doubles - 26 threes

Bald class

Bald class 4

Norwood class 4

Characterized by further frontal hair loss and enlargement of vertex, but there is still a solid band of hair across the top (mid-scalp) separating front and vertex.

Front view photos- Before and after hair restoration

Hair transplant with 3449 grafts showing before and after results, viewed from the front.

Hair transplant results viewing pictures from the top

Hair restoration utilizing 2449 grafts viewed from the top, showing preoperative, immediate posteperative and postoperative photos.

Left oblique angle  results

Before and after left oblique angle photos showing patient results from with 3449 grafts.

Right side results from

Right side before, immediate postoperative, and postoperative pictures showing the results from a 3449 grafts hair restoration procedure.

Back - Crown photos of before and after hair transplant

Bask - Crown photos showing before and after results from .