Female hair transplantation surgery before and after photos with 1909 grafts

Procedure detail

Dr. Dorin had a 10 month follow-up with this female hair restoration patient who had presented initially with traction alopecia. She is very pleased with the outcome of her FUT hair transplant procedure that totalled 1909 follicular units.

Front view - Before and after

1909 grafts viewed from the front, showing before, immediate postoperative, and after pictures.

Top view - Before and after surgical hair replacement

using 1909 grafts displayed from the top, showing before, immediate postoperative, and after photographs.

 before and after photos,

using 1909 grafts displayed from the left, viewing before, immediate postoperative, and after photos.

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Hair transplantation surgery with 1909 grafts viewing before, immediate postoperative, and after images, displayed from the right.