Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Procedure detail

This patient had a history of undergoing old fashioned "plug" hair
transplantation years ago. Progressive thinning over time resulted in exposure
of the plugs thereby revealing a very unnatural "corn-row" hairline. His
hairline deformity became a major burden and adversely affected his life for
many years. He began a long quest for surgical correction. He was concerned that
the pluggy hair line was already too low and believed that simply placing single
hair grafts in front of the plugs as a means of camouflage would lower his
hairline significantly below his comfort level. He was also bothered by the
"shotgun" scarring present throughout the donor region which resulted from
harvesting of the plugs. The surgical plan that was recommended and accepted was
as follows:

1) A pretricheal browlift was performed first. An incision
was made immediately in front of the plugs and the normal forehead skin was
advanced upward. The leading three rows of plugs were excised, thereby elevating
the hairline to a more favorable, higher location. The excised plugs were
microscopically dissected into follicular units and grafted into the back
portion of the thinning frontal scalp.

2) Two follicular unit graft
sessions were subsequently performed. The first session was performed three
months following the hairline elevation to allow for reestablishment of local
vascularity. Two staged graft sessions, separated by nine months, was performed
rather than a single stage, dense pack procedure because of the higher risk of
shock and necrosis associated with a reduced vascular supply in the frontal
scalp region. A total of 3220 grafts were utilized for the frontal hairline
repair (session one: 1891 grafts / session two: 1329 grafts). The donor strips
were taken through the old donor regions in order to help reduce the appearance
of the shotgun scars.

Bald class

Bald class 3V

Norwood stage 3 Vertex

In terms of the receding hairline, stage 3 vertex balding is a less drastic version of stage 3.
However, people experiencing stage 3 vertex balding will also begin losing hair on the crown of their head. This often starts as one small bald spot.

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Postop hairline frontal view - nine months following 2nd session - 3220 total grafts

Hair restoration procedure results

Postop right hairline - nine months following 2nd session - 3220 total grafts

Hair restoration procedure results

Postop left hairline - nine months following 2nd session - 3220 total grafts

Hair restoration procedure results

Postop hairline frontal view - hair combed back

Hair restoration procedure results

Postop hairline top view - nine months following 2nd session - 3220 total grafts

Hair restoration procedure results

Postop close-up of left hairline and recession

Hair restoration procedure results

Postop close-up of right hairline and recession