Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Procedure detail

This young man presented with a history of having
undergone a 3000 dense-pack frontal hairline megasession. Based on information
provided by him, this restoration was intended to restore the frontal hairline
region exclusively with a graft density of approximately 100 follicular-units
per square centimeter. There has been much debate about the safety and
feasibility of using such high graft densities. The potential risks of this
approach are revealing in this patient who demonstrates three unique problems:

  1. low graft yield;
  2. recipient site scarring; and
  3. unacceptable donor site

Much can be said about the adverse consequences of making too
many openings in too small an area. However, the primary concern with this
approach relates to the risk of compromising the local blood supply within the
recipient area. Reduced circulation decreases oxygen delivery to the recipient
area. Vascular disruption can ultimately decrease graft survival, and when taken
to an extreme it can cause outright tissue damage. The proposed graft density,
if successfully implemented, should have restored the hair density to that
comparable of the patient’s high school glory days. It is clear from the
preoperative photos that this patient continues to have see-through hair.
Although 100 follicular-units per square centimeter were implanted, they did not
all survive the procedure and the proposed density was not achieved. Even more
obvious is the prominent scar located in the graft zone of the right hairline.
This scar is the result of tissue destruction caused by an overaggressive
recipient site surgical plan.The patient’s primary goal was now to
enhance density within the previously grafted frontal region. A conservative
approach to repair and restoration was recommended for the following reasons:

  1. previous dense-packing had failed to produced reliable high density in the
    frontal region;
  2. the frontal region was now compromised with diffuse and
    localized scar from the prior procedure;
  3. the donor site was compromised with
    an extraordinarily wide scar from the initial megasession.

The patient underwent
repair with 1080 grafts which were placed with the goal of supplementing density
throughout the frontal region, with special attention on the dense scar in the
right-central frontal hairline.

Bald class

Bald class 3

Norwood class 3

The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.

Hair restoration procedure results

Preoperative frontal view - head tilted down. Low density from original 3000 graft megasession is apparent.

Hair restoration procedure results

Preoperative right oblique view demonstrates dense scar in hairline.

Hair restoration procedure results

Preoperative frontal view with hair separated to reveal dense, fibrous scar. No hair is present within scar.

Hair restoration procedure results

Postoperative frontal view - head tilted down.

Hair restoration procedure results

Postoperative right oblique view - hair styled and combed back.

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair parted through graft zone to reveal current density in central section of the scar zone.

Hair restoration procedure results

Postoperative right oblique view - hair parted to reveal current density in scarred section of the frontal hairline.

Hair restoration procedure results

Postoperative frontal view - hair styled and combed back.