Hair restoration surgery before and after result imageswith 2307 FUE grafts

Procedure detail

Restore Hair Clinics led by Dr Raghu Reddy is based in London offering FUE
Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant services.

Dr Reddy's niche is
in acheiving natural hairlines with great density, along with perfect angles and
temple angle closure. To date, he has performed more than 2500 successful hair
restoration procedures, both in the UK and overseas.

At Restore Hair
Clinics, we believe in a business model is purely based on recommendation and
hence 90% of our clients come through a personal recommendation. With the
personal trauma suffered from sub-optimal surgery, Dr Reddy has a personal motto
of making sure that none of his patients go through the same.

This 37 year old banker presented to us with Norwood 4 hair loss
with early thinning in his crown.

He opted to undergo FUE following an
evaluation with Dr Raghu Reddy.
He wanted dense packing and Dr Reddy put him
on Propecia for 6m to stabilise his hair loss and also to evaluate his
suitability for extensive work.

His hair loss stabilised on Propecia and
since he had no adverse effects and was happy to continue Propecia, Dr Reddy was
happy to do dense packing. 2307 grafts were transferred in 1 day to the frontal
areas and crown.

Bald class

Bald class 4

Norwood class 4

Characterized by further frontal hair loss and enlargement of vertex, but there is still a solid band of hair across the top (mid-scalp) separating front and vertex.

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

2307 grafts shown from the front, viewing before, immediate postoperative, and after pictures.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

using 2307 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before, immediate postoperative, and after photos.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after pictures

Hair restoration procedure with 2307 grafts displayed from the back / crown, viewing an after image.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images

Hair transplant procedure with 2307 grafts displayed from the right and left, viewing after images.