Hair transplantation procedure before and after result images with Finasteride

Procedure detail

FUT performed on a 41 year old male with:NW Class VI
General Information
Hair loss class: VI Hair color: Black Skin tone: White
Hair character: Wavy Hair thickness: Average Donor density: 2.5
Scalp laxity: Average Donor scar: None
Miniaturization Study
Hair line: 90 Corners 100 Top: 80
Crown: 100 Donor area: 10 Crown Edge: 30-50%x3-4cm

Closure: Deep: - Superficial: Staples
Donor closure tension (Minimal- Average- Severe): A
Undermining (None- Upper- Lower- Both): N
Trichophytic (None- Upper- Lower- Both): B
Recipient graft / site numbers (estimate):
Hairline: 500 Front: 1300 Top: 1073
Crown: 1200 Temples: 500 Total: 4573

Treatment plan:

- 1st procedure with 4000+ follicular units to restore the hairline and fill in the mid head/crown area
- A medicinal therapy with finasteride to stabilize or prevent further hair loss

Performed procedure (October, 2010):

A Follicular Unit Strip Transplantation with 44573FU:

* 499 single hair FU * 2415 double hair FU * 1165 triple hair FU * 495 quadruple hair FU

Bald class

Bald class 6

Norwood stage 6

The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.