Hair result surgery before and after result photographs with 3477 grafts

Procedure detail

FUT performed on a 25 year old male with:
Top Thinning Early Class VI

Hair loss class: VI Hair color: Black Skin
tone: White

Hair character: Wavy Hair thickness: Average Donor density:

Donor closure tension: Average
Undermining None

Recipient graft / site numbers (estimate):
Hairline: 270 Front:
2300 Top: 907
Crown: 0 Temples: 0 Total: 0

Treatment plan:
1st procedure with 3477 follicular units to restore the hairline and fill in the
mid head/crown area
- A medicinal therapy with finasteride to stabilize or
prevent further hair loss

Performed procedure (December 28,

A Follicular Unit Strip Transplantation with 3477 FU:

287 single hair FU * 2608 double hair FU * 538 triple hair FU * 44 quadruple
hair FU

Your comments welcome;
Dr. Parsa Mohebi, US Hair Restoration

Bald class

Bald class 6

Norwood stage 6

The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.

Front view - Before and after

3477 grafts viewed from the front, showing before and after pictures.

Top view before and after hair restoration results

using 3477 grafts displayed from the top, showing before and after photographs.

urgical hair transplantation result photographs

using 3477 grafts displayed from the left, viewing before and after photos.

Before and after surgical hair restoration images

Hair transplantation surgery with 3477 grafts viewing before and after images, displayed from the right.

Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Hair restoration surgery using 3477 grafts viewed from a tilt down angle, showing preoperative and after pictures.