Hair transplant surgery before and after images with 2500 grafts and Finasteride

Procedure detail

Below you can see the progress of a 2500 graft Strip hair transplant procedure performed by Dr.Maras who is the medical director of HDC hair clinic and supported by the rest of HDC's medical team .

The hair restoration patient who is 27 years old was on finasteride long time before the procedure.

The patient's progress photos were taken 8 months after the procedure

Bald class

Bald class 2

Norwood stage 2

There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.

Top view before and after hair restoration results

using 2500 grafts viewed from the top, displaying immediate postoperative and after photos.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

using 2500 grafts viewed from the left, displaying before, immediate postoperative, and after photos.

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Hair restoration procedure utilizing 2500 grafts viewed from the right, displaying before, immediate postoperative, and after images.

Residual scar after  photos

Hair transplant procedure using 2500 grafts displaying the patient’s residual donor scar areas eight months postoperative.