Hair transplant surgery before and after result images with 4039 grafts

Procedure detail

Dr. Wong was recently in Italy to conduct consultations and to meet with past hair transplant patients for follow up visits. The patient shown below came to Vancouver in August last year for repair work. The procedure addressed the frontal hairline by adding density and refinement then additional coverage was established for the top of the scalp. Some refinement was also added to the crown to camouflage some of the pluggy mini-micro grafts that were present and obvious.

Bald class

Bald class 3

Norwood class 3

The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.

Front view - Before and after

4039 grafts shown from the front, viewing before and after photos.

Top view before and after hair restoration results

using 4039 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before and after images.

 before and after images

with 4039 grafts displayed from the left, viewing before and after pictures.