Hair transplant surgery before and after result photos with 2648 grafts

Procedure detail

This patient had fronto-temporal recession that he wanted to correct. We prescribed finasteride and performed FUT 2,648 grafts (4,986 hairs). He is shown one year later. In patients with very curly hair, the grafted hair is often a bit unruly in the first year of growth, but later it settles down and syncs up with surrounding hairs to create more natural looking curls.

Bald class

Bald class 2

Norwood stage 2

There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

2648 grafts shown from the front, viewing before and after photos.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images

using 2648 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before and after images.

Hair restoration procedure before and after pictures

with 2648 grafts displayed from the left, viewing before and after pictures.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after pictures

with 2648 grafts shown from the right, viewing before and after photos.