Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Procedure detail

This hair restoration patient had an unusual balding pattern, with severe right - left asymmetry. Most patients have more recession on the right side but I have never seen it to this degree. He signed up for 2,000 grafts (as finances were an issue for the patient as well as a fear of damaging existing hair with too many grafts). To promote healing, Platelet Rich Plasma was incorporated into the hair transplant procedure. 2,270 grafts were transplanted utilizing 4,837 hairs.

Bald class

Bald class 3

Norwood class 3

The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.

Hair restoration procedure results

Before hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

Berfore .

Hair restoration procedure results

Six weeks after .

Hair restoration procedure results

After hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

Immediate post operative.

Hair restoration procedure results

Four months after hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

Before hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

Seven days after hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

Six months after hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

After hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

Eleven days after hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

14 months after hair transplant surgery.