Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Procedure detail

This hair restoration patient had 1978 grafts to re-establish his hairline and temporal regions. The hair transplant surgery post-Op images showcase his results at 8 months.
Graft Breakdown:Singles - 614Doubles - 1093Triples - 271

Bald class

Bald class 2

Norwood stage 2

There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Before hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

After hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

After hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

After hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

After hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

After hair transplant surgery.