Hair transplant procedure results from 2807 grafts and Proscar medication

Procedure detail

This 23 year old Caucasian hair restoration patient is a Norwood class III with a receding front temporal hairline. He wanted to have a flat and low hairline. He understood that lowering his hairline this low was against the physician’s advice. The total bald area measured 72 cm2.This ultra refined follicular unit grafting technique was done using follicular unit hair transplantation via strip and the trichophytic closure was used to close the donor wound.The details of the hair transplantation are as follows: 1 hair: 300 FU grafts, 2 hair: 1760 FU grafts (3520 hairs), 3 hair: 611 FU grafts (1833 hairs) and 4-5 hair: 136 grafts (544hairs). A total of 2807 follicular unit grafts, utilizing 6265 hairs were transplanted. Both temples were restored with 125 (2 hair) FU grafts on left side and 125 (2 hair) FU grafts on right side.The hair transplant patient was followed at 8 months postoperative from his procedure with significant hair growth and cosmetic improvement. His donor area shows minimal scarring as shown in the hair transplant photos. He is also taking Proscar (finasteride) daily to retard  further progression of hair loss.

Bald class

Bald class 3

Norwood class 3

The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.

Hair transplant result photos - Front view

Hair transplant using 2807 grafts viewed from the top, showing before and after results.

Hair restoration photos - Top view

Hair restoration photos using 2807 grafts showing preoperative and postoperative viewed from the top.

Tilt down view of  results

Tilt down view showing results from a 2907 grafts hair restoration procedure.