Hair restoration procedure before and after pictures with 2834 grafts

Procedure detail

A 54 year old white male Norwood class VI ,with hair loss from front to the crown. He underwent one session of FUT with 2,834 grafts consisting 1-hair=250 grafts, 2-hair=1,973 grafts, 3-hair=472 grafts and 4-hair=139 grafts (6,168 hairs). He had tight scalp with average density. The hair grafts were placed from the front to mid scalp. The post operative photos were taken at 1 year 1 month after the surgery. He is very please with the result and would like to proceed with more session at crown. Below are B/A .

Bald class

Bald class 6

Norwood stage 6

The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

2834 grafts shown from the front, viewing before and after pictures.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

using 2834 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before and after photos.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after pictures

with 2834 grafts displayed from the left, viewing preoperative and postoperative photographs.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images

Hair transplant procedure with 2834 grafts displayed from the right, viewing before and after images.

Hair restoration procedure before and after pictures

Hair transplant session using 2834 grafts displaying before and after photos, viewed from the back / crown.

Hair restoration surgery before and after photos

Hair transplant procedure using 2834 grafts displaying the patients residual donor area scar.