Hair restoration procedure before and after first surgery with 4059 grafts

Procedure detail

This is 35 year old
white male with extensive hair loss from front toward the crown as shown in pre
op picture. His hairs are medium brown, medium fine, wavy, density 83%. He
underwent strip FUT on June 11,12 4059 grafts roughly 9,203 hairs (1 hr=410
grafts, 2-hairs=2,560 grafts, 3-hairs=818 grafts, 4-5 hairs=271 grafts) were
transplanted from front to mid scalp. Below are the pre and post op pictures
were taken 11 months after surgery with his hair cut short and still looking
good. He underwent 2nd session strip FUT at crown with the same scar on May
23rd, 3,132 grafts were transplanted. His entire large balding area was
completely transplanted from front to the crown.

Bald class

Bald class 6

Norwood stage 6

The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.

Front view - Before and after

4059 grafts shown from the front, viewing before and after photos.

 before and after images

using 4059 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before and after images.

 before and after pictures

with 4059 grafts displayed from the left, viewing before and after pictures.

 before and after photos

with 4059 grafts shown from the right, viewing before and after photos.

 before and after images

Hair transplant session using 4059 grafts displaying immediate postoperative photos, viewed from the top / crown.