Hair restoration surgery before and after photographs with 2282 grafts

Procedure detail

This 39 year old hair restorarion patient underwent a 2282 FU session to his frontal region in order to improve the density and coverage of that area. He was particularly concerned with the progression of his fronto-temporal recessions. At about 10 months after this session, he was thrilled with the results.

Prior to this session the patient had suffered from psoriasis involving his scalp for nearly 10 years. In patients with certain dermatologic conditions involving the scalp, we feel that it is ideal to ensure that the disease is quiescent (controlled) for nearly one year prior to a surgical session.

Bald class

Bald class 2

Norwood stage 2

There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

using 2282 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before and after photos.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

using 2282 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before image with patient surgical plan markings.