Hair transplant surgery photos showing patient before and after a 3050 graft surgery

Procedure detail

Follicular Unit Strip Transplantation performed on a 51 year old Asian male with:- NW Class III- Donor density of 70 FU/cm2- Hair diameter of ~ 84 micronsTreatment plan:A follicular unit strip transplantation with 2500-2800 follicular units to restore the hair line, central core and bridge. Performed procedure (January 22, 2010):A Follicular Unit Strip Transplantation with 3050 FU:* 736 single hair FU* 1812 double hair FU* 502 triple hair FUDonor closing in 1mm lower edge Trichophytic Closure Technique (double layer suture);Cutting Edge blades of 0.8mm – 1mm);Dense packing technique with a density of 50-60 FU/cm2 in the hair line and feather zone (single units), a density of 40 FU/cm2 in the central core (double units) and a density of 35 FU/cm2 in the bridge (triple units).

Bald class

Bald class 3

Norwood class 3

The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.

 before and after photos

Hair transplant surgery with 3050 grafts shown from the front displaying before and after images.

Hair restoration procedure before and postoperative pictures

Hair restoration surgical procedure on a 51 year old male with 3050 grafts shown from the top displaying before and after images.

Left view before and after hair restoration procedure

with 3050 grafts shown from the left profile view displaying preoperative and postoperative photos.

Right view before and after

with 3050 grafts shown from the right profile view displaying preoperative and postoperative photos.

Back / Donor scar after

Photo showing this patients donor area / scar after healed from .

Hair transplant surgery results images left oblique view

Hair restoration surgery with 3050 grafts shown from the left oblique view displaying before and postoperative pictures.

Hair transplant surgery results photos right oblique view

Hair transplant surgery with 3050 grafts shown from the right oblique view displaying preoperative and after images.