Hair transplant surgery before and after result images eith 2268 grafts

Procedure detail

This hair restoration patient is in his mid 40's with 3 transplants already under his belt from different clinics around the world.

He still had not achieved the look he was after. This was partly due to nobody explaining to him about hair medications and clinic choice.

Hair transplant surgery was carried out in mid 2009 and he has been using Propecia since this time.

Due to donor hair limitations we were restricted in procedure size.

He popped in to the clinic a few days ago and due to timing i only was able to take a few pics on my phone. He will be coming back in a few months for a full review regarding future treatment options,for now he is very happy.

2268 FUG

400 1 Hair
1643 2 "
225 3-4 "


Bald class

Bald class 3V

Norwood stage 3 Vertex

In terms of the receding hairline, stage 3 vertex balding is a less drastic version of stage 3.
However, people experiencing stage 3 vertex balding will also begin losing hair on the crown of their head. This often starts as one small bald spot.

Front view - Before and after

2268 grafts shown from the front, viewing before and after pictures.

Before and after hair transplant procedure images

using 2268 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before and after photos.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images

with 2268 grafts displayed from the left, viewing preoperative and postoperative photographs.

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Hair transplant procedure with 2268 grafts displayed from the right, viewing before and after images.

Back view before and after hair transplantation photos

using 2268 grafts displaying before and after photos, viewed from the back.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images

Hair transplant surgery using 2268 grafts displayed from the left, viewing immediate postoperative photos.