Hair restoration patient recieving 2416 grafts during hair transplant surgery.

Procedure detail

This patient was presented to Dr. Bessam Farjo for his hair restoration options.  Hair transplant surgery was performed and the patient received 2416 grafts during the procedure. The patient is also using Finasteride as part of his treatment plan.2416 total grafts594 1 hair grafts1663 2 hair grafts159 3 and 4 hair grafts

Bald class

Bald class 3

Norwood class 3

The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.

2416 graft front view before and after hair transplant

Hair transplant using 2416 grafts, showing before and after results viewed from the front.

Hair transplant results viewed from left

results showing before and after results from the left view angle.

Right view of  results

Right angle photos showing before, immediate postoperative, and final results of this patients' 2416 hair restoration procedure.

Scar area after

Photos showing the donor and scar area results from this patients' hair transplant procedure.