Hair restoration patient with Norwood 4 pattern received 3600+ grafts

Procedure detail

Our latest hair restoration patient photos feature a middle aged gentleman with male pattern baldness presenting with Norwood class 4V characteristics.  He came to Arocha Hair Restoration wanting to restore his hairline to crown area. This patient has fine/medium hair with great density and elasticity. Dr. Arocha performed an FUT hair transplant procedure of over 3600 FUs. These result photos were taken at his six month follow up visit.

Bald class

Bald class 4

Norwood class 4

Characterized by further frontal hair loss and enlargement of vertex, but there is still a solid band of hair across the top (mid-scalp) separating front and vertex.

Front view - Before and after hair transplant photos

Hair transplant using 3600+ grafts showing before and after photos, viewed from the front.

Before and after  - Top View

Hair restoration photos using 3600+ grafts showing before, before with surgical placement plan, immediate postoperative, and six months postoperative view from a tilt down top angle.

Right side oblique view pictures from

Right oblique before, immediate postoperative, and six months postoperative pictures showing the results of a 3,600+ graft hair restoration procedure.

Right side views - showing before and after results from hair transplant

Right side profile before and after, and right side top angle before and after photos showing the results of a 3,600+ graft hair restoration procedure.

Left profile and oblique view hair transplant result pictures

Hair restoration results displaying photos of the patients left profile before and after as well as left oblique angle before and after photos.

Left - Top angle results from hair replacement procedure

Hair transplant surgery results showing preoperative, immediate postoperative, and six month postoperative photos of this patients 3600+ graft procedure.

Back of head showing before and after hair replacement

Photos showing before and after views of the patients crown displaying the results from 3600+ graft hair transplant surgical procedure.