Female hair restoration patient before and after photos results from 2000 grafts

Procedure detail

Twenty something hair restoration woman patient is concerned about the progressive thinning of her hair. She consulted with Dr. Arocha and decided on undergoing his artistic hair transplant procedure designed for women with Female Pattern Hair loss. The after photos are taken only 6 months after her procedure.

Bald class

Femail hair loss stage 1

Female hair loss stage I

Around 40% of women by age 50 show signs of hair loss and less than 45% of women reach the age of 80 with a full head of hair.

Female  patient

Female hair transplant using 2000 grafts showing before and after photos, viewed from the front.

Female hair restoration patient

Female hair restoration patient who received 2000 grafts during her surgery. Photos shown are six months postoperative and showing different angles of these early results.